II - Camille 8 ans ESPAGNE : La route de Santiago ! 2005
Camille, 8 years old, Spain : The Road to Santiago
Traduction : Archibald Speirs*
Petit rappel : Après une semaine-test pendant les vacances de Pâques, en avril 2005, du Puy en Velay jusqu'à Saint Roch, soit 65 km en 5 jours, Camille, huit ans, est partie sur le chemin de Saint Jacques de Compostelle.
After a weeks training and a fitness test during the Easter holiday in April 2005, 8 year old Camille started her pilgrimage to Compostela by walking the 65km from Puy en Velay to Saint Roch. It took 5 days.
Bonjour, je m'appelle Camille.
Hello, my name is Camille.
De Pamplona à Santiago, elle a parcouru avec sa maman sans leur chien Fripouille, près de 750 km en 7 semaines de septembre à octobre 2005.
She then walked nearly 750km from Pamplona to Santiago, but without the dog, in September – October 2005.
Je suis partie vers Saint Jacques de Compostelles... Et je suis arrivée jusqu'à Santiago en Galice...
I left on pilgrimage to St James of Compostela………and I arrived at Santiago in Galicia.
Et après, je suis allée en stop de Santiago à Fisterra et à pieds jusqu'au phare, à la croix de Saint Jacques : Fin do camino !
And after that I hitch-hiked from Santiago to Finisterre and walked to the lighthouse with it,s St James Cross : Fin do camino !
Mais avant d'arriver là, je dois commencer par le début...
But before arriving there I must start at the beginning.
Quand maman est revenue de Santiago en 2004, je lui ai dit - et moi, alors ! pourquoi tu m'as pas emmenée avec toi ? maman a pas trop réfléchi et on est partie !
When Mum came back from Satiago in 2004 I said to her, « What about me ? Why don't you take me with you ? » Mum thought hard, so we set off.
J'ai marché pour Matthieu et tous les enfants de la terre, ceux qui sont malades et les enfants à naître. Quand j'étais fatiguée et que j'en avais marre, je faisais un effort pour Matthieu...
I walked for Matthieu and all the sick children of the world, and for children waiting to be born.
J'espère que mon journal de bord vous plaira, je vous souhaite une joyeuse lecture et un bon voyage...
I hope my journal pleases you. I wish you « joyful reading » and « bon voyage. »
Allez, on y va ! en route vers les étoiles...
Come on, let's go to the stars
Buen camino et ultreïa ! (va plus loin !)
Buen camino et ultreïa (go further !)
2 - Espagne : septembre - octobre 2005
Spain : September – October 2005
Pamplona - Santiago - Cap Fisterra
J'ai toujours ma créanciale qui est mon passeport de pèlerine et elle commence à avoir beaucoup de tampons. C'est tous les endroits où je me suis arrêtée jusqu'à Santiago, et pour finir, Cabo Fisterra...
I always had my « créanical » with me, it's my pilgrim passport, and I soon began to collect lots of stamps. They were of all the places where I stopped, right up to Santiago, and then to finish at Capo Fisterra.
Le mercredi 7 septembre 2005, je prends le bus Eurolines à la gare routière de Tours pour aller à Pamplona. Il est en retard...
Wednesday 7th September 2005
I take to Eurolines bus to Tours coach station to go onto Pamplona. It is late………
Thursday 8th September 2005 Pamplona – Uterga
We arrive at Pamplona at 4 o'clock in the morning., We walk as far as Cizor Menor. We bivouac at the chuirch .
At 9 o'clock we have breakfast in the gîte. It is raining cords. We walk 12kms to Uterga. We have water up to our ankles. All our class things are lost.
Friday 9th September 2005 Uterga – Puente la Reina
I met Cedric and Pierre on the road, they juggle with skittles. They sleep in hammocks.
Saturday 10th September 2005 Puenta le Reina – La Chapelle san Miguel
I met John, a painter who gave me a card of one of his paintings. (Uterga)
Sunday 11th September 2005 San Miguel – Villamayor de Monjardin
I have a pilgrim friend called Sonia. There is a festival in the village. All the children are given a hot chocolate. I sleep on a mattress on the floor.
Monday 12th September 2005 Villamayor de Monjardin – Los Arcos
I meet Cléo on the road to Los Arcos, she is walking alone. She lives in Malaga. In the evening I go to Mass and to the blessing of pilgrims :
- Go further
- Go higher
We all sing the pilgrims' song :
- Ulteïa, et suo eïa
Friday 16th September 2005 Májera – San Domingo de la Caljadis
The road is long, 21kms. Mummy knows a short cut through the vineyards. It is very beautiful, and here is the hen-house in beautiful cathedral at San Domingo.
Saturday 17th September 2005 Santo Domingo – Belorado
It is cold. It is raining. I do 4km with Cléo, the pilgrim from Malaga. It is too cold. I take the bus to Belorado.
Sunday 18th September 2005 Belorado – San Juan de Ortega
I take the bus because it's very cold and it's raining. I walk with Cléo for 6km. The priest says Mass and offers us garlic soup.
Monday 19th September 2005 San Juan de Ortega – Burgos
I leave at 8.30 this morning. It's freezing outside. The north wind stings my cheeks and my fingers. After 11km of walking and a good meal I hitch-hike to Burgos. I arrive at an « alberge » where there is drouze music and candle-light. I visit the cathedral.
Tuesday 20th – Thursday 24th September 2005
I stay for three days at the Burgos alberge, « el paral » so that Mum can rest up. I meet Mau, a world pilgrim and I take the little train for a tour of the town and to see the monuments.
This is the end of my first notebook.
Spain is beautiful.
Tuesday 27th September 2005 Terrdillos – Sahagùn
I visit the sights with Franch, a Spanish pilgrim. It is beautiful. There are 400 pilgrims at the alberge.
Wednesday 28th September 2005 Sahagùn – El Burgo Ranero
The road is straight. The weather is stifling hot. The walls of the alberge are made of earth. The people are very nice.
Thursday 29th - Friday 30th September 2005 El Burgo Ranero – Léon
Léon is a very big town and very beautiful. I visit the cathedral, there are beautiful stained glass windows. I sleep at the Benedictine sisters' house. The refuge is big with lots of dormitories.
The alberge doesn't open until 17.00 so I'm doing my work in a café. This afternoon I met my friend Norina again. She is German and travels all over the world. She has spent 6 months in India.
Saturday 1st October 2005
Léon – Orbigo Hospital
I take the bus at 19.30 for the hospital. The footpath is along a main road.
Saturday 2st October 2005 Léon – Hospital de Orbego
I have a good breakfast and walk with Piedad and his sister Maria. At Orbega they invite me to a restaurant where I have the pilgrims' menu. I go to Mass at 19.00 in the cathedral.
Monday 3rd October 2005 Astorga – Rabanal del Camino
The route is long and the weather is very hot. I do 18km with Sonia. I arrive at Rabanal del Camino after walking for 7 hours. I have a picnic with Sonia on a bench.
Tuesday 4th October 2005 Rbanal del Camino – Manjarin
I pass the Iron Cross. I leave a pair of trousers and a card I made for all the children. I arrive at Manjarin. Here is Noah's Ark. It is full of animals, bears, donkeys, horses, dogs, cats. There is no running water.
Wednesday 5th October 2005 Manjarin – Ponferrado
I teach Roberto the hospitalier some French. He gives me a St James' cockle-shell which has « bon chemin Camille » (have a good route..) written on it.
Thursday 6th October 2005 Ponferrada – Villa del Bierzo
This morning I work for two hours in a café. Then I walk for 16km and hitch-hike. I find Sonia again at the alberge. We eat on the terrace.
Friday 7th October 2005 Villa del Bierzo – Vega del
I pause in a Brazilian aulberge. It is very cold. I celebrate the birthday of Sister D'Adrianna, a pilgrim from Brazil. Gary, the Englishman and Sonia, the Spaniard, invite us to a meal.
Saturday 8th October 2005 Villafranca de Bierzo – O Cebreiro
The route is hard and the path goes up into the mountain. I arrive at O Cebreiro tired but happy and share a meals with Alain and Christian, two French pilgrims.
Sunday 9th October 2005 O Cebreiro – Triacastella
I do 22km on a magificent path that goes up and goes down. There are beautiful colours, red, greens, yellows, oranges ……. The mountain is beautiful, I go to the blessing of pilgrims at 19.00.
Thursday 13th October 2005 Eiresace – Pala de Rei
I was able to sleep to 9.00 this morning because Maria-Paz, the hospitalier didn't want to wake me up. We take to the road at 10.30 and do 8km to Palas de Rei. On the route I see thingies perched on the electric poles to protect the harvest from the wet and from predators.
Friday 14th October 2005 Palas de Rei - Melide
We leave in the rain with Sonia, José, and Colette. We sing « ulteïa » and walk joyfully. At half-way we have a snack to warm up. Sonia continues by herself and waits for us at Santiago.
Saturday 15th October 2005 Melide – Ribadio de Baisca
It is wet weather and there have been puddles on the road since yesterday. A priest gave me a little book called, « Do the road. » At a fountain I find Elisa, and Italian and we do the route together.
Lundi 17 octobre, j'arrive à l'albergue de Monto do Gozo. Maman est déjà venue l'année dernière et elle retrouve l'hospitalier Ferdinand. L'accueil est royal et grâce à lui nous pouvons passer 2 nuits sur place, car Santiago est plein de pèlerins.
Thursday 18th October2005 Monte de Gozo – Santiago
I wash and brush and put my things in order. I have only 4km to reach Santiago. I arrive at last in front of the cathedral. It is enormous, I go to the « Pilgrims' Office » and present my créanical to obtain my « compestela » (certificate).
Oficina de peregrinos : ma Compostela Cathédrale de Santiago
At 12.00 there is mass and pilgims' blessing. I refind the people I met en route and we eat together. My journal comes to an end at Santiago and I am happy to have arrived. I salute all the pilgrims of the earth and all the children of the world. I embrace Mattieu from Santiago.
Santiago, le 18 octobre 2005.
Maurice et Nicolas
Avec maman, je rencontre Nicolas et son papa Maurice, devant une fontaine à Santiago...
With Mummy I meet Nicolas with his Dad Maurice in front of a fountain at Santiago.
Nicolas demande à maman de les photographier et après on va à la cathédrale, à la poste et, on échange sur notre voyage, entre deux séances photos... Ils sont super gentils !
Nicolas asks Mummy to photograph them, afterwards we go to the cathedral, we exchange notes on our journey between the two photographic sessions…….….. They are super-nice.
Cathédrale de Santiago la Porte Sainte
Santiago Cathedral The Holy Door
Dans la discussion, nous apprenons que Maurice et Nicolas partent demain pour Cap Finistère et c'est tout simplement qu'ils acceptent de nous emmener en voiture avec eux... Le rendez-vous est pris pour demain, 9 h. du matin et en attendant, chacun poursuit son chemin...
We learn that Maurice and Nicolas are leaving for Cape Finistere tomorrow, quite simply they agree to take us with them by car….. the rendez vous is set for 9.00, in the meantime each of us will follow his/her own path.
En fin d'après midi, il pleut des trombes d'eau et nous sommes trempées... Nous remontons en bus à l'albergue de Monto do Gozo pour passer gentiment la soirée avec d'autres pèlerins qui arrivent sur Santiago...
There is a down-pour at the end of the afternoon…… We get back on the bus for the Monto do Gozo alberge to spend an agreeble evening with the other pilgrims who have arrived at Santiago.
Manuel, le responsable de l'albergue, nous donne une lettre de recommandation pour l'accueil de Fisterra, afin que nous puissions rester deux nuits supplémentaires...
Manuel who runs the alberge gives us a letter recommending us to the office at Finistere so that we can stay an for two extra nights...
Pour moi, c'est la fin du journal... maman dit que maintenant, je suis en vacances scolaires. Je peux faire la grâce matinée et dormir plus tard... Pour Cap Finistère, c'est maman qui va tout vous dire avec les photos...
For me this is the end of my journal …… … Mummy says that I am now on school holiday……. I am able to have a lie-in and sleep late ……. Now for Cape Finistere. Mummy is going to tell about the photos.
Le 19 octobre 2005 à 9 h. du matin, Nicolas et Maurice nous emmènent en voiture, en direction de Cap Finisterre.
19th October 2005, 9.00 a.m. Nicolas and Maurice are taking us by car to Cape Finistere.
Croix de Saint Jacques Saint James's Cross
Fin do Camino
Pour le déjeuner, nous trouvons une charmante cantine sur le port de Fisterra et bien sûr, il pleut toujours des cordes...
We find a charming canteen for lunch at Port Finistere, it is still « raining cords »……
Nicolas et Maurice poursuivent leur route et nous restons sur Fisterra pendant deux jours, avant de prendre un bus pour le retourner sur Santiago...
Nicolas and Maurice continue their route and we stay on at Finistere for two days before taking the bus back to Santiago………
« Fins terrae » is the Latin for « the end of the earth » in other words, « the end of the world, » « land's end, » the « edge of the world. »
Voilà ma Compostela de Santiago et celle de Cap Fisterra ...
This is my Santiago Compostela, also Cape Finistere's.
Pour moi, c'est important car cela montre que j'ai bien marché pour tous les enfants de la terre et je suis très contente de mon chemin vers Saint Jacques de Compostelle... Plus tard, je voudrais le faire à cheval...
They are very important to me because they show that I really have walked for all the children of the world and I am very pleased with my pilgrimage to Saint James of Compostela……. One day I would like to do it on horseback.
Cette partie du chemin de Saint Jacques fait 800 kms. Camille a marché à pieds sur 550 kms, la différence s'est faite en stop ou en bus. Elle a porté un sac à dos de 2 à 3 kg, toute seule et en cas de fatigue, sa maman prenait le relais.
This part of the route to St James was 800kms , Camille walked 550kms, the rest was done by bus or hitch-hiking. She carried a ruck-sack weighing 2-3kgs by herself, but her mother did take a turn.
Je n'ai pas oublier de ramasser mon coquillage sur la plage de Fisterra, après avoir brûlé quelques affaires à la croix de Saint Jacques, derrière le phare...
Voilà, j'ai fini le chemin d'espagne, je vais rentrer à la maison en train... J'espère que vous avez aimé mon journal et qu'il vous donnera envie de partir en chemin vers les étoiles... En attendant, moi, je continue mon chemin...
Here I am, I've finished the Spanish route, I am going home by train…… I hope you have liked my journal and that you will give some thought to going onto the road to the stars…… in the meantime, me, I continue my route……..
Fin do camino !
Fino do camino
Bon chemin, va plus loin ! Va plus haut !
Buen camino, ultreïa ! E sus eïa !
Good path, go further ! Go higher !
Buen camino, ultreïa ! E sus eïa
et maintenant, en route pour la vie...
And now the route for life…………
Vous pouvez voir le début du voyage maintenant, ou un peu plus tard :
I - FRANCE - s
Du chemin des étoiles, à ma fille...
Ma Kamo,
Je tiens à te dire à quel point je suis heureuse d'être la grande personne qui t'a accompagnée sur ce chemin là... C'est un rêve réalisé et rien, ni personne, ne pourra nous enlever cette histoire qui est en nous...
Que tes pas te mènent là où tu dois aller et quoiqu'il advienne : n'oublie jamais Santiago ! Ultreïa ! ma fille.
Ta maman qui t'aime ...
*Mille mercis à Archibald Speirs, parrain de Camille pour la traduction de son journal.
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